Printable Color Pages
Apps for Kids
Online Games
Paint by numbers - an interactive Color book for children. This mathematical game teaches children to recognize numbers and solve simple mathematical examples. In addition, this program develops memory, attention, imagination, and logical abilities.
Boys and girls of all ages love to color. The simple Color mode is suitable for the smallest of children, including those of kindergarten and preschool age. These include simple and recognizable images that are easy to color. If the child selects the wrong shape, then they will be prompted with the correct number. Therefore, the picture will always be colored correctly, and the child will quickly memorize the numbers. Children can choose to color by geometrical figures and pictograms in addition to numbers. A child can easily distinguish a square from a circle, diamond, and triangle.
School-age children will enjoy the complex Color mode. Here the picture is divided into a large number of elements, thus making it difficult at first to determine what it depicts. Older children can complicate the task by adding addition and subtraction tasks. Now children will need to solve the examples and choose the correct answers in order to color the picture. This will teach the child how to quickly do arithmetic in their mind.
Those who are learning the alphabet can choose to color by letter. Color by letters will be useful for children preparing to enter primary school.
To make the Color process more interesting and fun, you can change any of the preset colors. To do this, press and hold the jar of paint and a palette will open. Then you can choose your favorite color. Thus, all the shaded areas of the image can be changed in the Color by number mode. You can have fun by changing the color scheme to suit your taste. Try the program right now!
“I thought this program would be too simple to entertain my daughter. Surprisingly, though, she said, “It’s fun!” She enjoyed mixing her own colors and playing around with different combinations. I love the fact that this isn’t some mind-numbing time waster but instead a way for her to explore color and art.”
“I have to say the strongest reason to use this program would have to be that it not only teaches numbers, but it is also great at teaching computer skills.”
“Color Games is an Color activity that can no only be fun but teach number recognition as well. The interface is pretty and functions very well.”
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